Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Dirty 30 Rock.

Did you like my play on words? Pretty witty huh?
See this is what happens when you're 30
I will be 30 in 4 days. 30 has been a bit quirky on me. 
At first I felt that it's presence was...non existent. I didn't feel any change. I didn't feel old and feeble. I didn't feel like a kid again. I felt like any other Tuesday might feel at 29 or even 25. (Never 18 though, those Tuesdays are long gone.)
After this feeling of nothingness I felt odd. I mean I'm supposed to be hitting a monumental birthday right?
Then I found the grey hair!! What the DEVIL is this! YAAAANNNNK! 


 Upon further inspection it wasn't gray, it was white. I'm gonna chalk it up to those bazillion bottles of dye back on the Tuesdays of 18 long gone.

...and then I remembered! BOTH my mother and mother-in-law told me that the 30's were some of the very best years! The-VERY-BEST- years! Free, is what they said. Independent, confident, in control!
(I need these things! I need these things NOW! please? yes?)
The 30's aren't promises of diminished years ahead. They are promises of womanhood, not like w-o-m-a-n, but like "I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!"

Instead of having a mid-life crisis or third life crisis...(people live long lives now, you know) I am having a tri-life epiphany! 

I must try! I must try everything! I must conquer my fears, try new things, let go of the small details and look at the bigger picture!

It's like a bigger new year's than the biggest new year's of your life! If you're 30, RELISH it!
Embrace it, dance with it. Sing really loud in the car.

When you 've reached 50 you're going to wish you were this young again!

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