Saturday, April 23, 2011

Word to your Mutha!

Photobucket Happy Earth Day fellow Earthlings! I celebrated the Mother Earth a tad early this year. We make it a point in our scouting tribe to do something of the service project sort 2-3 times a year at the least. This year we decided to put ourselves more in the community by participating in the County's Park Appreciation Day.

This service project was awe inspiring! To see everyone come together to make a park that is used by all spring beautiful was amazing. I have to admit that I hadn't ever visited this particular park and was excited to explore new ground. This park happens to have quite the doozy of blueberry bushes (trees?) and every year hundreds of people come to pick them.

I also found that not only do the parks organize this day, they also provide the dumpster, pruning tools, rakes, shovels and the like every third Saturday of the month! What better way to show the love for the parks you take your kids to then to help keep them in top shape for generations to come. I plan on visiting on third Saturdays to come...and maybe in late summer to pick my own blueberries.

What do you do to help your Earth Mother?

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