Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The List

Have you seen the movie The Bucket List? I haven't. I've been told it has something to do with lists and dying and good times? Am I wrong? I should watch the movie sometime I suppose.

Anyways, from what I gather, a bucket list, is a list of things you would like to try before you die..try or do or see or feel or live..before you "kick the bucket". 

I think that's a pretty nifty cool idea, don't you? I don't like the term "Bucket List" though, so I'm just going with THE List....(kitty is attacking my bum through the office chair, she is telling me it's bedtime!) 

Anywho, I will start having an ongoing "list" of things I would love to do!

What would you put on your list, may I ask?