Friday, October 21, 2011

Cool Beans, or products I love, love, love.

I don't recommend most things. Why? Mostly I don't really pay attention long enough to realize how awesome things are. Let me tell you, I'm recommending these things straight up. They are cool beans!

PhotobucketiPhone 4:

Our contract was up on our phones, so my MTV and me on a whim went to the phone store and decided to price out some phones. I asked what he was getting...and he said, "I don't know about you, but I'm getting an iPhone". Well, then I am obviously going to get one too, because, heck we don't need competition over phones in these here parts. I love, love, love this phone. Being a key pad nazi, I was skeptical about the whole touch screen key pad, but it's AMAZING! I hardly use my computer at all! With my short attention span this works wonders to answer emails, look something up quick and play angry birds to my little heart is all warm and fuzzy! Best purchase (with the exception of my house) that I've made this year! Thanks Apple...I must remind myself that MAC will always be superior to PC. Sorry, that's a designer's point of view and it will never change.

Listerine Total Care:

PhotobucketOkay, so my mom says, "Disaster, do my teeth look whiter?" Hence I reply, "Actually, yes...yes they do!" She says, "I had a coupon for Listerine Total Care so I bought it, it claims to whiten teeth and after using it ONCE I noticed a difference". "REEEALLY?" I exclaim. "Oh, it tastes HORRIBLE though...much spitting and rinsing after use". Fast forward a week later and I am at the grocery store with my natives. We walk by the listerine and Goose Native quips, "MOM! Can we get gargle! I would really love gargle." (My natives refer to mouthwash as gargle, because, well you gargle with it). Staring me in the eye is the Total Care (purple bottle). 

Here is the down low: When rinsing it tastes like mouthwash, sorta foamy, but like burn the demons mouthwash. When you spit you realize it tastes like minty ass and you must douche your mouth out with water a few times...BUT! It is worth it! After one use, ONE USE, I noticed my teeth were whiter! *que angel chorus* Being a heavy coffee drinker this was like a minute white strip. This is my new favorite household product! Use it...or at least try it!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Classiest Woman You Never Did Meet

Grandma's Nursing School Graduation photo

The last month has been the strangest blur. I've experienced fear, anxiety, excitement, hope, sadness, grief and relief.

My grandmother was one of the most classiest women you never met. If you were as fortunate as I was to have known her your entire life, then you already know that you were blessed.

This woman gave her all to everything important in her life. Family, friends, and her career. She was a fashionista, graceful, witty beyond measure, wise beyond her years, she took pride in everything she earned and loved. Her motto was, "Do your best, be yourself. That's all you can do."

I can hear her distinctly still telling me "Well honey, I think that's just wonderful!" This was applied to success, aspirations, a new look, a new time in my life...everything was wonderful.

She passed away September 25th, 2011 at the age of 79. She had suffered with Alzheimer's for close to 10 years. She always kept an upbeat personality. She actually would attempt to assist the nurses in the home she lived in...I guess being a nurse for 40+ years is a hard habit to break.

About 2 weeks before her passing I decided I needed to see her. I'm so grateful I did. She wasn't doing much, sleeping in and out, but she squeezed my hand and I kissed her on her forehead one last time.

Grandma, I love you. I'm so relieved you are at peace, but I'm so sad that I won't get to watch you wave goodbye from the porch until I'm out of site. I will miss your genuine interest in my life and the positive attitude you had toward everything that was dealt to you. Thank you for being the person I would really love to be some day and for striving to keep this family so close knit. You are one special soul.