Friday, January 20, 2012

When the Sky Falls..

Well, first off, let me last week installment was put off due to family being in town.

My father in law was having a surgery followed by a biopsy and all the siblings flew home to cheer him on.

Victory was his on Saturday, when the doctor called and informed him that his biopsy came back clean.

To celebrate his brother and him flew to Vegas to enjoy a gun show. When they left, the sky fell...

and we were in a SNOWPACALPSE!

Living in the very wet NW we are NOT, I tell you N-O-T, NOT, suited for this snow stuff. I actually got a mid-week break because the roads were so bad....I can't say I hated it.

After the snowmeggedon we were attacked by freezing rain, which sounds harmless enough, except that the weight from the freezing rain caused trees to snap and break.

It was beautiful chaos, I stood outside late last night and listened to the quietness that a blanket of snow gives with the popping and snapping of trees every 30 seconds or so. They were loud as firecrackers and I watched around me in fascination as the world crashed around our home.

Many people have lost power, and if there is one thing I love about this house right now is that we still have it.

My father in law's flight has been cancelled until Sunday...I have a feeling his return will bring back some warmer weather...please?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Whooooo are you? Who, who, who, who?

Part of my "decluttering your life" calendar tasks is to think about who I want to be. My knee jerk response to this was *snort* "duh! I wanna be perfect", but then I recall that when I say I want to be perfect it results in me being anal retentive, controlling, over sensitive, an overall bitchita face. With that being said...I want to be perfect. Not perfect in the give-it-your-all, no mistakes, now, now, now and go, go, go...but perfect like the universes are aligning and I feel in tune with everything around me. I want to slow down. Enjoy the little things. Learn, grow, gain perspective. Let go of control and have faith in God and the stars above that everything will be fine. I want to breathe.

Who do you want to be?

On that note, here's what I've been doing on this side of the globe:

I put away all those christmas decorations...minus the snow girl I forgot in the guest bathroom...CRAP!

I made mini cheesecakes to use up some of those gingersnaps. I still have a ton of them left. These were delicious. At least my natives thought so....

I bought a vintage first aid kit for the kitchen, complete with plant poison cream and smelling salts!

I also knitted some afghan squares from the Year of Swatches blog:

This is January's Intermediate square.

Overall it's been a pretty eventful week...what have you been up to?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012.

Do you keep a New Year's Resolution? I sometimes tell myself that it's ridiculous to do so. I feel they usually set us up for failure. Although I mock the resolution verbally, I will confess unto you that I have printed an ENTIRE calendar devoted to "decluttering your space".

I like to casually peruse it's pages while sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing, whilst dreaming of the perfect storage box arrangement. It's true!

So, here's to another year. Full of hope and the promise to be a better person. Whether it's to lose weight, save money, quit a bad habit, or organizing you life. Happy New Year. May it be better than the last!